
Welcome to Pussycat Barcelona, where we bring your wildest fantasies to life! If you’re looking for the best strippers in Barcelona, then look no further. We are a top-rated Gentleman’s Club and Strip Club, providing an unforgettable experience for men who want to enjoy their night out with beautiful dancers. Our reputation speaks for itself as we have become known as the go-to spot in town for anyone looking for a good time. In this blog post, we’ll tell you exactly why Pussycat Barcelona is considered the best strip club in town and what makes our dancers stand out from the rest. So sit back and get ready to learn everything there is to know about our exceptional services!



This notice is for anyone who wants to visit PUSSYCAT STRIP CLUB BARCELONA. Some TAXI DRIVERS work with clubs on commission to scam tourists. They might try to convince you to take you to a different club or tell you we are closed or we moved location. Do not fall for their tricks. Follow the GPS to CARRER SAGUES 17, BARCELONA.


This notice is for anyone who wants to visit PUSSYCAT STRIP CLUB BARCELONA. Some TAXI DRIVERS work with clubs on commission to scam tourists. They might try to convince you to take you to a different club or tell you we are closed or we moved location. Do not fall for their tricks. Follow the GPS to CARRER SAGUES 17, BARCELONA.