Welcome to Pussycat Barcelona, your ultimate destination for the best pole dancing experience in town! If you’re looking for a unique and fun way to stay fit while exploring your sensual side, then look no further than our top-rated pole dancing classes. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, our experienced instructors will guide you through every step of the way as you learn new moves and perfect your technique. So what are you waiting for? Come join us at Pussycat Barcelona and discover why we’re the go-to spot for all things related to pole dancing in Barcelona!



This notice is for anyone who wants to visit PUSSYCAT STRIP CLUB BARCELONA. Some TAXI DRIVERS work with clubs on commission to scam tourists. They might try to convince you to take you to a different club or tell you we are closed or we moved location. Do not fall for their tricks. Follow the GPS to CARRER SAGUES 17, BARCELONA.


This notice is for anyone who wants to visit PUSSYCAT STRIP CLUB BARCELONA. Some TAXI DRIVERS work with clubs on commission to scam tourists. They might try to convince you to take you to a different club or tell you we are closed or we moved location. Do not fall for their tricks. Follow the GPS to CARRER SAGUES 17, BARCELONA.